01392 240740
To run a charity abseil safely and professionally we believe that it is essential to use qualified and experienced instructors. Whilst it is not possible to offer our staff and facilities free of charge due to insurance requirements, we can however offer a full day at a minimum charge.
For large groups it takes an average of 10-15 minutes for each person to complete the abseil. Therefore the maximum number of people for a single rope abseil is 40. We can run 2 ropes parallel to each other which we find works well as most first time abseilers are more confident with another person abseiling along side them.
We provide:
-An instructor at the top of each rope to check safety equipment and coach participants over the edge.
-An instructor at the bottom of each rope to control the landing area.
-A ground level training area for kitting up and practice.
-We hold full liability insurance
-We have an AALA licence so all age groups can participate*
-We only use nationally qualified staff
-Copies of all our documentation are available on request
-A risk assessment and method statement for the event
* At the discretion of Devon Adventure as harnesses may not fit children under 12.